SEO and Your Website
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is a term that is new to some and old to others. It’s importance however, remains. First, let us use the definition by the good folks over at Moz, which states the following: “SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results. Because organic search is the most prominent way for people to discover and access online content, a good SEO strategy is essential for improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website.” If that doesn’t sum it up for you, that’s O.K. – and it’s why we’re here. If you’re a surgeon, we most likely want the basics when it comes to your expertise. Likewise in the digital world, many clients just want their digital assets to work, not necessarily how. That’s why we offer Digital Presence Management, a service that checks the boxes and keeps your digital presence performing.
SEO, is really about making sure that all of the available options that allow your website to thrive are setup correctly. You can have a stunning website visually, but it could be lacking where it counts when Google scans it. Every piece of your site should serve a purpose. Namely, it should solve your target audience’s problem or answer a general question efficiently. Behind all the text and images in the deep recesses of your websites WordPress (or other) dashboard, are a slew of controls that need to be optimized for maximum efficiency. These features range from page tags, title and meta data, image text and more. Each of these dials is meant to be utilized in order to make your site function properly, and it doesn’t stop there.
That said, we’ve armed you with enough information to know that SEO (search engine optimization) is very important. If you’d like us to have a look under the hood, drop us a note and we’ll get started. or fill out our contact form here
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