WordPress Websites

Gas Prices, Inflation and Digital Marketing

It’s no secret that fuel prices have risen, along with inflation due to a lot of factors in our global markets, that of which we won’t get into here. But, we will discuss the impact. The ripple effect. The very real challenge it creates for each of us, regardless of individual strata in society. Each physical movement we make has a direct cost associated with it, or savings. Yes, you read that right. Savings. If you have to make multiple trips to a business to solve your problems, that costs you both time and money. If you are able to find the solution to your problem through a website, phone call or email – you’ve saved time and money.  Now, more than ever – it’s important to give your customers and clients as much information as possible on the digital front. Everything you offer should be thoughtfully and easily laid out and accessible for all.

Human nature, by design, makes us all remember how we are made to feel. That is our cornerstone. This concept varies case to case, but the root of ‘feeling’ is always there. This is how businesses thrive or fail. Word travels faster than ever now, and it’s important to keep that in mind. If your website is up to date, offers a solution and makes it easy to for potential customers or clients to solve an issues, they will remember that. On the opposite end, if you don’t have a site, or have one that is cumbersome or outdated; it leaves a bad taste behind. We’re all mostly programmed to do a little research before we sign up for a service, buy a car, try a new restaurant, find a medical provider- or a long list of other things. Through that research we create an impression, brief as it may be – that is good or bad. We then start to categorize what we’ve seen and consider the ramifications involved. We may think, “They don’t have a website, what else are they not doing?” or “Their website is clunky and difficult to navigate; time to move on.”

With rising costs, it’s important to be good stewards of your customers time, and in return it will help you better manage your own time. Investing in building a website, or updating a website is exponentially invaluable. If you have 100,000 visitors to your website each year, think of the impact. Think of all those micro-conversations that are had. And, they are being had – either at your expense or gain. It’s our job to deliver a clean, friendly, memorable digital experience that works for you – with everyone in mind.  If your business needs a website or makeover; now is the time. As every citizen, business owner or consumer becomes more cash conscious – you have to be on top of your digital game.

We offer solutions in a multitude or service areas that are purpose-built with your clients and customers in mind.

Our Services:

If you have any questions or are ready to begin, we’re here and ready to help you on your digital journey.

Need help? Drop a line to hello@sevenind.com

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin.

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Always Keep it Local, If You Can

Recently, I found myself wanting to have a short-run of t-shirts made. So, I went over to Custom Ink and started building a shirt with artwork I had, and was kind of surprised at the price. As with most things, the more you buy the better deal you get. We’ve all been served ads for cool T-shirts that have something specifically targeted at us, like our last name or birth month – then low and behold it’s a $30 t-shirt. Not a polo-esk shirt, a t-shirt. But, we pull the trigger anyway and wait for the shipping thing to happen. After that, you’ll get ads from everyone in the t-shirt world; which is fine- but like most people I already have too many. In fact I pulled out 27 for candidates to be made into a quilt. But, that’s another story.

Back to the beginning. T-shirts. I wanted a dozen made that I designed, and decided to dig around to see who was in my backyard. My backyard these days spans from Lincoln County, NC to Pitt County, NC and up into Southampton County, VA. In this case, I wanted to see who was in Greenville, NC. First, I reached out to MoJo Originals. They were very helpful, but mainly do larger runs of apparel for companies that hire them to do the design work, layout and so fourth. They are an awesome one-stop shop – and I can’t stress enough how kind and informative they are. Find & follow them on Instagram, here. They pointed out that since my logo has a gradient  I’d need a DTG printer to produce it. So, I naturally asked if anyone in town had one – and it turns out they do.

Enter – TailGate Classics. I shot them a message on Instagram at something like 10pm, and got a quick response as well. I sent them a couple of images of what I wanted, sizes and so fourth, and they said, “No problem.”  They sent me an easy to pay bill that was at least $75-100 lower that Custom Ink, and the money stays in town. I love that. You should love that, too. I can’t emphasize how much it means to businesses, big or small – that their surrounding community support them. There will always be cases that involve or require you to seek outside experts/opinions, but usually you can find what you need in your backyard.

So, here we are. I’ve got my t-shirts ready for pickup and I’m happy that I was able to keep it local.

In efforts to help you find local businesses, here are some helpful links:

Greenville, NC | Chamber of Commerce 

Lincolnton, NC | Chamber of Commerce

Southampton County | Chamber of Commerce

Need help? Drop a line to hello@sevenind.com or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin.

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