You’ve Started a Business; How Do You Advertise?
Whether you’re just starting out or happen to be a more seasoned professional, marketing is an essential tool. In either case, you’ll need to have a website designed around your goals, objectives and services – and solve a problem. This can be quite complex depending on your services and offerings while at the same time it can be more simplistic. For instance, if you own a mobile car wash business, you’ll likely have different packages that speak to services offered and pricing. In the age of various waxes, sealants, wraps and coatings – your website can fill up quickly. This is why it’s important to thoughtfully build a website so it solves your customers problem and allows them to contact you and book an appointment.
With each industry there is a different audience and need. This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of data and design when it comes to creating a website or advertising to your audience. Let’s consider a local law firm that offers a variety of services, and needs to get the word out. Well, in this case – and many other similar situations, the services offered are at will. So, you don’t exactly know who will need your services from one moment to the next. But, what you can do is have a strategist review your analytics and target your audience. Otherwise, you could be serving ads for a divorce attorney to an 18 year old; which is wasteful. This is why everything has to be considered. The look, feel, flow and overall functionality of your website.
There are many companies out there now that allow you to build your own website with no experience. The adage, “you get what you pay for” rings true here. Additionally, it rings true in every facet of the digital world. Before we dive deeper into advertising, I want you to think about this sentiment and consider this: I am a digital space expert, not a doctor, lawyer, roofer, pilot, nurse, mental health provider, surgeon or otherwise. It means, I’ve spent years and countless hours building and growing skills – just as each person in the aforementioned professions has. Meaning, sure I can read up on how to extract a tooth – but does that mean I want to do it- or that I can do it without complication or wasted time and resources? Certainly not. So, find a trusted expert just as you would for anything else, develop trust and proceed – the outcome will be worth the time and financial investment.Â
Depending on your specific service or offering, you will need to create a digital strategy that reaches the audience you both want and need to succeed. There are dozens of concepts and platforms to consider, so it’s important that you choose the ones that hold the audiences you’re trying to reach.When the time comes, you’ll want to be sure the company you work with to have experience in several areas, such as:
- Digital marketing, SEO, digital strategy, facebook ads, youtube ads, TikTok ads, influencer marketing, instagram ads, blog writing, brand strategy, ppc marketing, geofencing, display ads, keyword research, AI, website hosting and beyond.
The above is just a short list of industry terms that your chosen partner will need to be adept at to handle your digital assets with success. Depending on your vertical, you’ll also want to be sure that they have experience in your area. While there is a basic overlap in concepts, there is also extreme difference. If you are paying a company to speak on your behalf, in effect acting as your brand voice- you need to trust that they can speak intelligibly and clear about your company. On that same token, they need to be able to respond to issues, negative comments/reviews and otherwise as needed in a timely matter. Know what to say is equally important as knowing what not to say.
Advertising has become a complex beast over the last 50 years. There was a time when job postings went in the newspaper and large brands ran TV ads on 3 networks. Today it is an utter maze of pure digital that covers every topic you can imagine. At one point bottling water was a joke that many said would fail – look where we are on that. Just as knowing what to say and when to say it is important, so is knowing where to advertise. If you pay attention, you’ll notice that ads for the same product or service vary significantly from one channel or platform to the next. Do consider that when you begin to spend. Who is your audience? What is their background? More male? More female? These are the things that get sorted out when you bring on a company like ours to be a partner in your success. Give us a call today, or email us – we’re ready to help you achieve your goals and be strong stewards on your path to continued success.
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You’ve Started a Business; How Do You Advertise? Read More »